New Brownie Flavor Cinnamon Cocoa | Fairytale Brownies

Try Our New Cinnamon Cocoa Brownie

Fairytale Brownies

NEW FAIRYTALE BROWNIE FLAVOR: CINNAMON COCOA PHOENIX, Ariz. – August 30, 2018. Listening to an overwhelming number of requests from customers, Fairytale Brownies is excited to introduce a new brownie flavor - Cinnamon Cocoa - to its Belgian dark chocolate brownie lineup this fall.

In January, customers responded to a survey asking what they wanted most from Fairytale Brownies, and the top request was a new brownie flavor.

“We tested many versions of the Cinnamon Cocoa Brownie with a core group of customers and the Fairytale Brownies’ team,” said Fairytale Brownies co-founder Eileen Spitalny.

The new Cinnamon Cocoa brownie mixes imported Vietnamese cinnamon in the batter for a sweet, aromatic flavor. Then a blend of Cacao Barry Extra Brute cocoa powder, real butter and fresh chopped Arizona Green Valley Pecans create the finishing touches for the crumble and is sprinkled on top. The result is sweet, smoky, fudgy, chocolatey brownie perfection.

The new Cinnamon Cocoa Brownie will be included in the company’s main group of 12 full-size (3” x 3”) and snack-size (3” x 1.5”) brownie gifts , combination gifts, as well as sold individually and in bulk. Fairytale Brownies will retire its Coconut Brownie.

Samples of the new Cinnamon Cocoa Brownie and recipes using Fairytale Brownies are available upon request.

For more information, samples, or images, please contact Alyssa Andrews of Fairytale Brownies at 602.489.5140,

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